As pet owners, we never want to see our beloved companions in pain. Fortunately, there are several medications available to alleviate discomfort and improve their quality of life. In this article, we'll explore the differences between popular pain relief medications for pets: Metacam, Carprofen, Carprieve, Prolet, and Rimadyl. By understanding their unique characteristics, you'll be better equipped to make informed decisions about your pet's pain management.

Metacam: Tailored Relief for Inflammation

Metacam, also known as meloxicam, is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) commonly prescribed for dogs and cats. It effectively reduces pain and inflammation associated with conditions such as osteoarthritis and post-surgical discomfort. Metacam is available in both oral and injectable forms, providing flexibility in administration. It is known for its long-lasting effects, typically lasting up to 24 hours, which means your pet can experience relief throughout the day.

Carprofen: Targeted Pain Relief

Carprofen, sold under various brand names such as Carprieve and Rimadyl, is another popular NSAID prescribed for dogs. It works by inhibiting the enzymes responsible for inflammation, thereby reducing pain. Carprofen is available in chewable tablets, making it convenient for pet owners to administer. It is commonly used for the treatment of arthritis, post-operative pain, and musculoskeletal conditions. The effects of Carprofen can last for up to 12 hours, providing significant relief to your furry companion.

Prolet: Swift Action for Pain Management

Prolet, which contains carprofen as its active ingredient, is another NSAID specifically designed to offer rapid pain relief in dogs. With its fast-acting formula, Prolet helps alleviate acute pain associated with surgical procedures and injuries. It is available as an oral suspension, allowing for easy administration and absorption. Prolet offers quick pain relief, making it an excellent choice for immediate post-operative care or acute pain management.

Rimadyl: A Trusted Option for Canine Pain

Rimadyl, also known as carprofen, is a widely recognized brand name for dogs suffering from pain and inflammation. This NSAID is commonly prescribed to manage osteoarthritis and to alleviate pain following surgeries or injuries. Rimadyl tablets are available in various strengths, ensuring appropriate dosing for dogs of different sizes. With its proven efficacy and long track record, Rimadyl remains a trusted choice among veterinarians for canine pain relief.

Key Differences:

Active Ingredients:

Metacam: Meloxicam.
Carprofen: Also known as Carprieve, Prolet, and Rimadyl, contains carprofen as the active ingredient.


Metacam: Oral or injectable.
Carprofen (Carprieve, Prolet, Rimadyl): Chewable tablets or oral suspension.

Duration of Effectiveness:

Metacam: Lasts up to 24 hours.
Carprofen (Carprieve, Prolet, Rimadyl): Lasts up to 12 hours.


Metacam: Suitable for dogs and cats.
Carprofen (Carprieve, Prolet, Rimadyl): Primarily used for dogs.

Choosing the Right Medication:

Selecting the appropriate pain relief medication for your pet requires consultation with a veterinarian. Factors such as your pet's specific condition, age, size, and medical history will be taken into consideration. Your veterinarian will guide you in choosing the most effective and safest option, ensuring the best possible pain management for your furry friend.


When it comes to pain relief for our pets, having a range of options allows us to find the best solution for their unique needs. Metacam, Carprofen (including Carprieve, Prolet, and Rimadyl), offer effective pain management for various conditions, ensuring your pet's comfort and well-being. Discussing these medications with your veterinarian will help determine the most suitable choice based on your pet's specific requirements. Remember, the goal is to improve their quality of life, so they can enjoy every moment with you, pain-free.

Please remember, these products are only availabe with a prescription from your vet. Once you've got a prescription, you can order these products from an online pet pharmacy like . 

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Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not replace professional veterinary advice. Always consult with a qualified veterinarian for specific concerns regarding your cat's health and well-being.