Monthly Archives: March 2020
- March 16, 2020Since the World Health Organisation declared the 2019 novel coronavirus (also known as CoVID-19) a global health emergency, you might have been wondering if this virus could be transmitted to your pet. This article pulls information from a variety of international sources to discuss the risk of your pet becoming infected with COVID-19.
- March 01, 2020
First, before we take a deep understanding of how epilepsy can affect pets, here are some common terms you will come across in this article about epilepsy and seizures in pets, and their definitions:
Common Terms - Epilepsy in Pets
- Automatisms - Involuntary or unconscious movements
- Atonic Seizure - Type of seizure that is characterised by a loss of muscle tone
- Cluster Seizures - Two or more seizures in a 24-hour period usually occurring with a shorter than normal interval
- Focal/Partial Seizure - Only one part of the brain is affected by the disruption to electrical impulses therefore only one part of the body is affected
- Generalised Seizure -